In accordance with the provisions of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (VCCA), the United States Probation Office is required to notify the state Attorney General's Office and local law enforcement when an offender under Federal supervision and convicted of certain crimes of violence and drugs moves into your agency’s area and/or changes their address within your area. These notifications have traditionally been sent out in paper format by mail.
In April 2013, the U.S. Probation Office in the Northern District of New York changed the VCCA notification process to an electronic email and web-based format called the Law Enforcement Notification System (LENS). In short, the notifications will be sent, via email, to a designated point of contact at your agency. Further, your office will have access to the LENS website which will provide you information about Federal offenders under supervision not only within your agency’s jurisdiction but nationwide. We believe this process will be more informative, timely and accessible than the paper process.
To learn more about this new notification system, there are two short video presentation links about LENS posted here:
- What is the Law Enforcement Notification System (LENS)?
- Law Enforcement Agency Coordinator Instructions
Once you become a user, you will receive a system generated welcome email that will contain your password and instructions on how to log in. LENS can be accessed at
If you have any questions or are interested in enrolling, please contact Mike Kester at 315-234-8735.